How to find a job Archives - UKjobs Forine Blog about jobs for migrants in Europe Thu, 07 Mar 2024 09:23:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to find a job Archives - UKjobs Forine 32 32 Cross-Cultural Communication in the European Workplace Thu, 07 Mar 2024 09:23:07 +0000 At its core, cross-cultural communication involves recognizing and respecting the diverse backgrounds of our colleagues and learning how to communicate…

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At its core, cross-cultural communication involves recognizing and respecting the diverse backgrounds of our colleagues and learning how to communicate in ways that are clear, respectful, and effective. It’s not just about language proficiency but understanding the nuances that influence how messages are sent, received, and perceived across different cultures. For instance, the concept of time can vary significantly from one culture to another; some cultures prioritize punctuality, while others may view time more flexibly.

One critical aspect of navigating cross-cultural communication is being aware of non-verbal cues. Body language, eye contact, and even the physical distance maintained during conversations can have different meanings in different cultures. What is considered polite and attentive in one culture might be seen as invasive or disrespectful in another. This awareness can prevent misunderstandings and build a more cohesive work environment.

However, embracing cultural differences goes beyond just avoiding faux pas. It’s about creating a space where all employees feel valued and understood. This includes recognizing and celebrating cultural holidays, accommodating dietary restrictions, and offering language support or translation services when necessary. By acknowledging these aspects, companies can show their commitment to diversity and inclusion, which in turn can boost morale and employee loyalty.

Practical Strategies for Effective Cross-Cultural Communication

Achieving effective cross-cultural communication requires intentional effort and strategy. Here are several steps individuals and organizations can take:

  • Educate Yourself and Your Team: Regular training sessions on cultural awareness can equip employees with the knowledge they need to navigate cross-cultural interactions. This education can cover basic etiquette, cultural norms, and communication preferences of different cultures represented within the organization.
  • Encourage Open Dialogue: Creating an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their cultural backgrounds and how it impacts their work can lead to greater understanding and collaboration among team members.
  • Adapt Communication Styles: Being flexible in communication styles is crucial. This might mean simplifying language, avoiding idioms or colloquialisms that may not translate well, and being mindful of how directness or indirectness might be perceived.
  • Leverage Technology: Various technological tools can aid in bridging the communication gap. Translation apps, multilingual platforms, and even games designed to improve cultural competency can be valuable. For example, incorporating tools like BC game crash into team-building activities can provide a fun and interactive way to learn about probability and risk-taking across cultures.
  • Establish Clear Protocols: Having clear guidelines for communication can help mitigate misunderstandings. This includes setting expectations for response times, preferred methods of communication, and protocols for giving and receiving feedback.

The Role of Empathy and Patience

Empathy and patience are the cornerstones upon which effective cross-cultural communication is built. They enable us to see beyond our perspectives and understand the views, feelings, and experiences of others from different cultural backgrounds. Here’s how they contribute:

  • Understanding Diverse Perspectives: Empathy allows us to put ourselves in others’ shoes, understanding their cultural background, and values, and how these influence their communication styles. This understanding can lead to more effective and respectful interactions.
  • Facilitating Open and Respectful Dialogue: By approaching conversations with patience, we give ourselves and others the time to articulate thoughts and feelings without the pressure of immediate comprehension or response. This openness can foster a culture of trust and respect.
  • Encouraging Continuous Learning: Recognizing that cross-cultural communication is a continuous learning process, empathy and patience remind us that mistakes are part of learning and growth. They encourage a non-judgmental approach to misunderstandings, which can be transformed into learning opportunities.
  • Promoting Adaptability and Flexibility: Empathy leads to a better understanding of the need for adaptability in communication styles and workplace practices. Patience supports this adaptability by allowing for the time and effort needed to implement changes effectively.

By incorporating empathy and patience into every interaction, individuals and organizations can significantly enhance their ability to communicate across cultures. This not only improves workplace relationships but also contributes to a more inclusive, productive, and innovative organizational culture. In the end, the effort to understand and value the rich tapestry of cultures within the European workplace can transform potential challenges into opportunities for growth and collaboration.


In conclusion, cross-cultural communication in the European workplace offers both challenges and opportunities. By adopting a proactive approach to understanding and embracing cultural differences, businesses can foster an inclusive environment where every employee can thrive. It’s not just about overcoming language barriers but about building bridges of understanding that can lead to more innovative and dynamic workplaces. 

As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, the ability to communicate across cultures is not just a nice-to-have but a critical skill that can define the success of organizations and the individuals within them.

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What Jobs Can You Get If You Study English Literature? Fri, 20 Oct 2023 11:55:54 +0000 When the subject of English literature comes up, people frequently envision a narrow career path focused solely on academic research…

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When the subject of English literature comes up, people frequently envision a narrow career path focused solely on academic research or perhaps the solitary life of a writer. This stereotypical view, however, vastly underestimates the broad spectrum of professional opportunities available to English literature graduates.

Far from being limited to these traditional roles, an education in English literature can serve as a springboard for many careers across multiple industries. This article will comprehensively examine various job you can you get if you study English literature, aiming to dispel myths and present this versatile degree’s scope.

Career in Journalism

If you possess a degree in English literature, one of the most straightforward and rewarding English literature jobs you could pursue is in journalism. English literature graduates often bring to journalism a rich and expansive vocabulary and a keen analytical mind honed by years of dissecting complex texts. These skills enable them to excel in various roles within the journalistic landscape, including positions as news reporters, editors, or columnists.

The essence of journalism is to gather, assess, and present information accurately and compellingly. It is here that your English literature background gives you a competitive edge. Your ability to critically interpret information, coupled with a capacity to write clearly and persuasively, makes you an invaluable asset in any newsroom.

Whether you are reporting on current events, editing articles for clarity and impact, or crafting op-eds that stimulate public discourse, the intellectual tools provided by your English literature studies can be directly applied to the multifaceted demands of a journalistic career.

Advertising and Public Relations

If you hold an English literature degree, advertising and public relations are fertile grounds for employment. Your specialized skill in storytelling makes you particularly effective at crafting impactful advertisements and public link campaigns. Companies appreciate English literature graduates’ expertise, especially their deep understanding of narrative structure and the subtleties of language.

You could excel as a copywriter in advertising, creating persuasive messages that resonate with target audiences. On the other hand, in public relations, roles such as PR executive or brand strategist could be the English literature job you’ve been looking for, allowing you to leverage your narrative crafting abilities to maintain or enhance a brand’s image.

Legal and Corporate Sector

An English literature degree may not be the first qualification that comes to mind for careers in the legal and corporate sectors, but it can indeed offer valuable advantages. Your ability in textual analysis can be a significant asset when drafting or interpreting contracts and legal documents. This skill equips you to pinpoint ambiguities, comprehend complex structures, and articulate clauses in clear language.

Therefore, English literature jobs like legal assistant or paralegal become highly viable career options. Your communication skills can also shine in corporate settings, making you well-suited for corporate communications or public relations roles.

Education and Academia

For those deeply passionate about English literature, a career in education provides an opportunity to impart knowledge and inspire future generations. Jobs you can get if you study English literature extend from teaching at the high school level to delivering lectures in a university setting. While additional qualifications such as a teaching credential or a master’s degree are usually required, the investment can be rewarding.

Not only do you get to delve into literary analysis and criticism, but you also have the chance to influence young minds, helping them appreciate the nuances and complexities of literature. Furthermore, academia allows you to research, potentially contributing to the field. With a career in education, your love for English literature can become both a fulfilling profession and a lasting legacy.

Non-Profit and Social Advocacy

The skills you gain from an English literature degree can also be put to excellent use in non-profit organizations and social advocacy. Your written and verbal communication skills can help you create persuasive grant proposals or compelling advocacy campaigns. Whether you’re drafting policy briefs or community outreach materials, your analytical and narrative skills can convey complex issues in an accessible way.

This makes you a valuable asset for organizations focused on social justice, environmental concerns, or community development. Jobs in this sector include roles like communication manager, grant writer, or advocacy coordinator, where your literary skills can affect meaningful change.

Key Takeaways

The career prospects for English literature graduates extend far beyond the traditional avenues of academia and writing. As this article has demonstrated, the skills honed during your studies can be transferred to diverse fields, including journalism, advertising, legal sectors, and non-profit organizations.

Whether interested in molding young minds, contributing to societal well-being, or diving into the corporate world, an English literature degree opens the door to many opportunities.

So, the next time you ponder what jobs you can you get if you study English literature, remember: the sky is the limit.

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Work abroad: pros and cons Wed, 02 Aug 2023 14:57:33 +0000 Today, more and more Ukrainians are thinking about moving and finding employment abroad. According to statistics, more than 6 million…

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Today, more and more Ukrainians are thinking about moving and finding employment abroad. According to statistics, more than 6 million Russians and Ukrainians are already working abroad, very satisfied with their work.

In this article, we will tell you why work abroad is so popular, we will consider in detail all the pros and cons of such work.

Why has work abroad become so popular among Ukrainians? Main reasons:

  1. Difficulty finding a job in your country or the absence of a desired vacancy;
  2. the possibility of a large profit in a short period of time.

These are the two main reasons cited by people who leave for work abroad. The first reason is not entirely true. Vacancies and any kind of work are everywhere, the second thing is that many people consider it unsuitable, but after coming abroad, most of them find the same job, only the salary will be an order of magnitude higher.

For example, the work of a fruit and vegetable picker, maids, waiters, couriers does not require higher education, high qualifications and extensive experience. It is possible to conclude that the main reason for employment abroad is high wages, but one should not forget that there is also a problem of unemployment in large European countries, so finding a good job is not so easy.

All work abroad is divided into two categories: official and unofficial. Such work is divided into all groups:

  1. Highly qualified personnel (doctors, engineers, administrators, managers, etc.);
  2. Handymen (construction workers, waitresses, salespeople, workers in the fields, in the kitchen, etc.).

Both groups of vacancies are in demand, only for highly qualified personnel there will be other requirements, for example: work experience of 5 years and above, perfect knowledge of the country’s language, high level of training, etc.

Low-skilled personnel were in demand for high work capacity, hard work, and performance of large volumes of work. Especially popular work in Poland for low-skilled personnel. According to his experience, everyone chooses a suitable job for himself. Work in Poland or any other country is divided into temporary and permanent.

The difference is that for a permanent job you have to move to another country, and for a temporary job only for the time of work on a work visa.

What are the advantages of working abroad?

With successful employment, such opportunities open up to you:

  1. They study foreign language;
  2. High salary;
  3. Moving to a permanent residence in another country;
  4. The opportunity to make useful acquaintances;
  5. See the world and expand your horizons;
  6. The possibility of obtaining citizenship. If your career will grow, you can easily apply for citizenship.

Cons of working abroad:

  1. First of all, these are psychological factors. It is far from easy for everyone to leave everything on their family and go to a foreign country, where a language barrier, a different culture, the absence of acquaintances, friends and family may arise. But if you are serious and know why you are doing it, you can gather your will into a fist, gain courage and go to your goal;
  2. Difficulties at work. In other countries, working conditions are completely different. The work is more strictly controlled, the quality is monitored, there is no possibility to “fumble”. If the daily plan is not fulfilled, it will be necessary to redo it;
  3. Big financial costs. In any case, when you move, you will have to rent housing, buy products, spend money on transport, and the cost of these services is an order of magnitude higher than in Ukraine. Many Ukrainians limit themselves to save a lot in order to avoid unnecessary expenses;
  4. And the most unpleasant thing you can encounter is unscrupulous employers and fraudsters.

It is worth noting that when concluding an employment contract, the risks are significantly reduced, but they do exist.

6 useful tips to avoid fraudulent employers:

  1. The firm must have an official legal status;
  2. All documents you draw up must be notarized and meet all international requirements;
  3. You should find out all the subtleties and nuances of taxation in a specific country in advance so that you do not face serious problems in the future;
  4. In no case do not give your documents to the employer.
  5. Do not make any deposits or prepayments that exceed the cost of opening a visa and issuing a foreign passport;
  6. Make out a foreign passport only on your own!

To summarize, it is worth saying that working abroad is not always the only option for good earnings. There are always alternative ways to earn money in your country, such as starting a small business, working for yourself, looking for passive sources of income, and so on.

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Where to look for job opportunities in Europe Fri, 10 Jun 2022 11:38:00 +0000 Millions of people have moved abroad. However, not everyone is lucky enough to find their dream job right away, and not everyone can quickly adapt to a new language environment

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Millions of people have moved abroad. However, not everyone is lucky enough to find their dream job right away, and not everyone can quickly adapt to a new language environment, which makes it difficult to find a job.

Fortunately, we live in the age of technology and the Internet. To find a job in the modern world, you just need to open one of the services and send your resume in the comfort of your bed.

If you are inspired to find a new job in Europe and beyond, but are having no luck, you will find a selection of useful services for finding it in this article.

Services for job search in Europe

Layboard is a global job search service. The platform believes that finding a job abroad is now much easier. On the site you will see offers for cooperation in any corner of the world.
LinkedIn is a professional social network where you can post information about yourself, your skills and actively maintain a profile. At the same time, the network is a job search platform.

LinkedIn is popular not only in Europe, but is used for business purposes in 200 countries around the world.

Glassdoor – the site offers a lot of job opportunities. In addition, employees can anonymously rate companies and users can view salaries, so Glassdoor can help you find the perfect place to work.

Monster is the largest international job search portal. The site searches for vacancies by location.

XING is a professional social network for job search in Germany and other European countries. – if it is difficult to get into large companies that have been around for several decades, you can try your hand at new projects. The platform was created to help people find jobs abroad in startups.

Welcometothejungle – if you want to become a specialist in a new project and develop it from scratch, you can look for a job on the French portal, which has many vacancies in startups. – if you are looking for a portal exclusively for finding a job in IT, this German service will make it easier for you to find such vacancies.
Ranstad is a European job portal, but its main feature is the ability to find a temporary job or a part-time job for the weekend.

Looking for a job can be tedious, as you have to look through a lot of vacancies and send a lot of resumes.

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7 EU countries that make it easier for migrants to find work and move Sat, 21 May 2022 11:48:00 +0000 Similar to Canada and Australia, several countries in the European Union are also facing acute labor shortages, which they are trying to fill domestically.

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Similar to Canada and Australia, several countries in the European Union are also facing acute labor shortages, which they are trying to fill domestically.

However, unlike Canada and Australia, some EU countries have some of the strictest immigration laws in the world, especially against job seekers.

Those days are gradually coming to an end as countries such as Finland, Denmark and Sweden loosen rules to attract more skilled workers. Here are seven major changes that have been announced recently that you should be aware of if you want to find a job in Europe.

Finland has launched an accelerated procedure for highly skilled workers and start-up entrepreneurs with their families – processing applications within 14 days.

The country also provides students and their eligible family members with a single residence permit for the entire duration of their studies. This means that students will no longer need to renew their residence permit every year.

Denmark has published new lists of industries and positions that require foreign workers. The two lists, called the Positive List for Highly Educated and the Positive List for Skilled Workers, serve as a “map” for foreign workers looking for work in Denmark.

Spain has made it easier for foreigners residing in the country to obtain a work permit through a more streamlined process that reduces the work permit requirements for some applicants.

Students from non-EU countries will also be able to work up to 30 hours per week while studying in Spain.

Italy has increased its annual quota of work permits by 5,000 and plans to invite 75,000 foreign workers in 2022.

Portugal has recently launched a short-term work visa that will now allow foreign workers to move to Portugal with the intention of working for only six months.

The Irish government has announced that this fall it will introduce new changes to the work permit system for workers from countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

Sweden has made it more difficult for employers to exploit foreign workers by making it mandatory for Swedish employers to report any changes to the terms and conditions of employment.

Foreign workers can no longer be expelled due to minor mistakes, and employers who fail to report on the working conditions of non-EU workers at the request of the Agency may be fined.

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What you need to know about employment abroad Sat, 12 Mar 2022 11:33:00 +0000 According to the European Central Bank, the EU is suffering from a shortage of workers. Of course, the situation is different in each country

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According to the European Central Bank, the EU is suffering from a shortage of workers. Of course, the situation is different in each country, but if you have been forced to leave Ukraine and decide to find a job abroad, I recommend that you prepare in advance.

First of all, you need to decide on the country and city of employment. To do this, you need to take into account your language skills and your own professional skills.

If you have a good command of English, you can look for a job in big cities. If your language skills are not so good, it is better to focus on smaller towns. There will be more job options for which language skills are less important: cleaning, working in production, picking berries.

At the stage of choosing a country, it is worth investigating the situation with the availability of jobs. In Poland, you can use the website. I advise you to go to local online services, familiarize yourself with offers, average salaries, regions, and then choose.

Safety rules when looking for a job

A new country, unfamiliar legislation and a different language make it difficult to find a job. Once you have decided on a destination, it is important to make sure that your future work is safe and legal. At the search stage, I advise you to give preference to well-known and trusted services or recommendations from people you trust.

You need to collect as much information about your future employer as possible. For example, on websites, you can see their contact information, how long they have been registered, and what vacancies they have posted. Also, when communicating with the employer, you should ask about all the conditions of the chosen job and salary.

Any last-minute changes to these terms and conditions and the need to compensate for any expenses from the employee’s “first salary” should be suspicious.

An employer’s refusal to provide information about himself (company registration number or registered name of a law firm) or an offer to sign an agreement in a language unknown to the candidate should be alarming.

If the communication with the employer was successful, you should pay attention to the main points when formalizing the employment relationship.

Do not give your passport. Only employees of embassies, consular offices, and border crossing points can ask for it.

Do not send photos or scans of documents in messengers, as they can be used in fraudulent schemes.

Have photocopies of all important documents.

Know the rights of workers and migrants in the respective country.

Before leaving, find the contacts of organizations that protect Ukrainians abroad, services for migrants, and the Ukrainian embassy and consulate. The main rule is that under no circumstances should you agree to illegal labor. Only official employment guarantees you social protection and a salary.

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Choosing the best country in Europe for work opportunities Tue, 07 Sep 2021 12:12:00 +0000 The good news is that there are many companies that are looking to hire foreigners to help make their facilities more efficient, allowing them to expand their business.

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The good news is that there are many companies that are looking to hire foreigners to help make their facilities more efficient, allowing them to expand their business. They may prefer to hire people with a second language, especially if they have branches scattered around the world. While some countries offer higher salaries, others offer a lower average number of working hours per week. Some may offer a better work-life balance, while others may offer better cultural awareness.


Germany has consistently been at the top of many lists for the past three years, and rightly so. It ranks second with one of the lowest unemployment rates in all of Europe at 3.6%. It offers secure jobs, excellent affordable housing, transportation and safety. If you have a professional qualification as well as some understanding of the German language, great news, the chances of getting a job are high for you.

There is currently a shortage of healthcare professionals, IT specialists and teachers in Germany, where annual salaries can reach 70,000 euros with a 38-hour work week.

The Netherlands has one of the highest life expectancies, good water and air quality, high standards of education and unemployment of only 4.4%. An increasing number of the population can speak English and German, and some even speak Spanish and French, so communication shouldn’t be a big problem here.

Its major cities, particularly Amsterdam, have proven that despite their relatively small size, thriving startups and an inventive culture make a difference. The new startup culture gives young and enthusiastic entrepreneurs the opportunity to not only showcase their talents, but also thrive with government support and funding.

With its excellent healthcare system and affordable cost of living, Spain has been ranked first on numerous lists. It is known for its friendly atmosphere and eccentric culture. It’s no wonder so many people choose it, because with its low cost of living, it’s safe to say you’ll even get more for your money. You simply can’t go wrong by choosing this great place.

Spain has a large automotive industry and contains some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical giants (GSK, Pfizer) and clothing companies (Inditex, Mango). They are experiencing shortages in the IT sector and are eagerly looking for professionals to help in this area.

Although it is not an EU country, we have included Norway because it is a member of the European Economic Area (EEA) and the Schengen passport-free zone. Thus, citizens of this country have the same freedom of movement rules as all other EU member states.

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Simple ways to help you find a job in Europe Wed, 10 Feb 2021 12:07:00 +0000 Working in Europe allows you to enjoy the traditions and culture and gain work experience. The standard principles of Europe are freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law

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Working in Europe allows you to enjoy the traditions and culture and gain work experience. The standard principles of Europe are freedom, democracy, equality and the rule of law, which contribute to stability and peace. Compared to other international jobs currently available, most job opportunities in Europe are quite stable.

Easy ways to find a job in the EU:

Getting a job in Europe can open up a world full of possibilities and opportunities for you, as it has a lot to offer job seekers, students and even tourists.

Working in Europe allows you to enjoy the traditions and culture and gain work experience. Compared to other international jobs currently available, most job opportunities in Europe are quite stable.

If Europe is on your job search radar, you will be interested to know how easy it will be to find a job in Europe. The fact is that you have to consider many aspects before applying for a career in Europe.

Knowing factors such as visa requirements for getting a job in Europe is in high demand, and the process of applying for the best country to work in will help you in your job search.

Visa requirements:

Visa requirements in Europe are different for EU and non-EU citizens. If you belong to a country that is part of the EU, there are no restrictions and you can work in any EU country without a work visa. However, if you are not a citizen of any EU country, you should obtain a work visa to find a job and work in any European country.

EU Blue Card:

Another option is the EU Blue Card. The Blue Card was introduced to support and promote the economic development of Europe and to encourage skilled professionals from different parts of the world to work in Europe and to give them freedom of movement within the European Union. This work permit is valid in 25 EU member states, as it allows highly qualified non-EU nationals to work here.

Vacancies in demand:

Research shows that the sectors with the most job opportunities are IT, healthcare, and construction. There is also a demand for technical and manual workers.

The most popular jobs in Europe today are in engineering and healthcare. People with STEM experience and qualified doctors and nurses have a better chance of finding a job here.

Almost every company is looking forward to the full digitalization of its systems, as the demand for IT specialists is significant in the European labor market. IT specialists will be primarily responsible for creating and maintaining information systems to ensure the most efficient results.

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